Tuesday 27 October 2015

Don't forgot to check your bonfires Before Lighting them

Click the Banner To see my other blog post Ive done already.
 Remember Remember Hedgehog's in November

Every year an unknown number of hedgehogs die or suffer horrific injuries because of the bonfire piles are not being checked before being lit. To save hedgehogs and other wildlife from appalling suffering the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) urges that bonfires should not be built until the day they are to be lit. This will not only save wildlife from burning to death but will also stop the bonfire from getting soaked should it rain the night before! . It is crucial to dismantle and move bonfire material that has been stored in advance on open ground. Move it to another spot just before lighting. Ensure it’s moved to clear ground - never on top of a pile of leaves as there could be a hedgehog underneath, and not too close to pampas grass which can ignite very easily and is another favorite spot for hedgehogs to hide under.

Never use a spade or fork as these can stab them. Using a torch will help and listen for a hissing sound, as this is the noise they make when disturbed. If hedgehogs are found, take as much of the nest as you can and place them in a high-sided cardboard box with plenty of newspaper/old towelling. Ensure there are air holes in the lid and that the lid is secured firmly to the box, as hedgehogs are great climbers.

Please Wear garden gloves so as not to get human smells on them and it's to minimize stress caused to the hedgehog, also, it protects your hands from their spikes. Put the box/Boxes in a safe place such as a shed or garage well away from the festivities, as fireworks can terrify them, and offer them meaty cat or dog food and fresh water to drink. Once the bonfire is totally dampened down, release the hedgehog under a hedge, bush or behind a stack of logs with more food and water.

Going to an official organized fireworks display is a far safer option for both humans and animals. For free advice and to obtain the names of carers in your area in advance of bonfire night, contact the BHPS on 01584 890 801.

So A Quick Recap

Build your bonfire on the day it will be lit, putting the pile of material next to the bonfire site and rebuilding before lighting it if necessary.
Make sure that you build the bonfire on clear ground, never on top of a pile of leaves or near to a pampas grass – both are good hiding places for hedgehogs
If you are unable build the fire on the day of lighting, use a broom handle to check the bonfire by gently lifting section by section and using a torch to look for hedgehogs, whilst listening for any movement
If a large bonfire has to be built in advance, prevent hedgehogs from getting in by putting chicken wire one metre high all the way around the bottom.

Please Please Check them Bonfires before lighting them your be saving a hedgehogs life.

 Or this will happen and there be no hedgehogs in the wild and go 
extinct which is something we dont want 

Best Wishes 
Have a Great Evening 

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