Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Your Hedgehog Homes


Your Hedgehog Homes

Name - Emma Donald
Location - Suffolk
Have regular visitors to our garden which we watch and feed nightly (sometimes 3 times a night!
We rescued a baby earlier this year. It spent sometime with a specialist to gain wait & recover from drain disaster. garden with a friend that had been nursed with it. We see these return for food occasionally They are name Cedar & Drain we had 1 hog home but wanted to ensure we had at least 2 for our reg special wild visitor :-). My daughter loves wildlife & and we all feel very lucky to see these amazing creatures in our garden. Could watch them all night.

This is my Hedgehog Homes. 
Name - Ryan Mottram
Location - Middlewich Cheshire 

Monday, 9 November 2015

Mystery of Cotton The hedgehog

Well you Can't take the wild out the wildlife. Cotton has decided she wants to be Wild and not kept in her pen and is the right weight 667 too Hibernate

 Some how cotton managed to push the board down and 
rolling and climb out of the pen. So ive been in
the garden later this morning and Got drenched and raised the wood higher.
Best Wishes 

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Update on Cotton Hedgehog

A Quick update on Cotton

A Just got up and looked out the window and saw the hedgehog having a drink of water
at the bird feeding station so I told brother and I got a cardboard box . It was cotton
and took her inside to be Weighed. She Weighed an Incredible 667Grams which 
is very impressive. 

Released her in the pen and she went straight to the Hedgehog Box 
So ran in and got some wet cat food in a bowl.
I will re-weigh tomorrow night just reweigh and check her weight and make sure 
shes put it on.

Best Wishes All 
Ryan M

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Our Brand new Logo Thanks to Issy

A Big Amazing thank-you go to @isabellerfox
For create our Brand new Logo Design..
Im very Happy and Impressed with the 
Best Wishes 
Ryan M

A little Thank-you

Thank-you a few people have donated to my hedgehog Hosp project im going to be doing.
Please Email if you can help me Email me or contact Hedgehog Diaries via 
our Facebook Page. or use our Hashtag on Twitter #Hedgehogdiaries

Help save these Beautiful Mammals
before its Too Late.

Best Wishes 
Hedgehog Diaries


Friday, 6 November 2015

Fireworks Scare Hedgehogs

Another New Hedgehog has just came but ran off before I could get to it The firework's have scared it.
And its was Middle size so would of needed to put weight on. .  

 Best Wishes 

Please Help If you can!?

My New Campaign is Now to  Help The Hedgehogs Before its Too Late is my New Project...So I need Your Help Everyone share with your friends and Family...

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Back from a Few days away....

Managed too save this little one and weighed it named sparkle 501Grams , released in the hedgehog box in the garden.

Two Were weighed in tonight Cotton and Sparkle Both new
to the Hedgehog Diaries HQ. Both under weighted and Scared of The bangs 
of Fireworks. 

So they both had one each of Fresh Water and both had some Wet Cat Food 
and released in a area behind the shed/office with a box and concealed area so they can feed and Still explore.

Hopfully they will return for another health check 
and More will come back.
 Best Wishes for Now 
Hedgehog Diaries..